Click on the photo of the rocket you need water rocket instructions for. You’ll get a PDF file that you can view and save (except for the 3-stage which is a video). You can also get all of these instructions (except for the 3-stage rocket!) in the water rocket book, available here. The instructions are in PDF file format, so you can save them to your computer by clicking File/Save on your browser.
Below is the SkyLab water rocket, our most popular one! The SkyLab is easy to assemble and fly, and excellent for group rocket activities. Plus, you can buy groups of 12, 25 or even 50 rockets at a phenomenal savings! Click on the photo to view the instructions.

Below is the SkyLab Extreme water rocket. Click on the photo to download the instructions. The SkyLab Extreme is a very impressive version of the SkyLab, with a super-long narrow bottle that is included in the kit.

Below is the High Altitude Pro water rocket. Click on the photo to view the instructions. The High Altitude Pro minimizes air friction by having its fins as far back as possible so they can be just a tiny ring.

Below is the Extreme Screamer water rocket. Click on the photo to view the instructions. The Extreme Screamer combines two of our best air-friction-reducing strategies in the same rocket: the far-back ring fin with the long, narrow bottle.

Below is the Water Rocket Car. Click on the photo for the instructions.

Below is the Payload Water Rocket. Click on the photo to view the water rocket instructions.

Below is the Ozone Probe water rocket. Click on the photo to view the instructions.

Below is the Extreme 2-Stage water rocket. Click on the photo to view the instructions.

Below is the Extreme 3-Stage water rocket. Click on the video to view the instructions.
Extreme 3-Stage Water Rocket Instructions