Make use of these informative and entertaining water rocket videos in your school classroom, rocket club or family.
Technical Product Movies:
The Rocket Pump is simply the toughest pump around. It’ll pump up your rockets reliably, launch after launch, day after day, year after year. At AntiGravity, we use them for all our rocket testing and demos, including the Three Stage Water Rocket! You can buy a Rocket Pump here.
The Three Stage Rocket is the most advanced water rocket you can buy. If you like a satisfying technical challenge, this is the one to get. It makes use of some ingenious mechanical and pneumatic principles to make the stages separate with split-second timing. You can buy a Three Stage Water Rocket here.
The Rocket Car is just like a regular water rocket, except that it moves horizontally. The fact that it is on the ground allows you to easily make measurements like distance, velocity, acceleration and much more! You can buy a Rocket Car here.
The build-it-yourself Home Built water rocket is here just in case you’ve got a science project due tomorrow and there’s no time to get one of our amazing rockets. We’ll show you how to build one, with our easy and thorough step-by-step instructions. Incidentally, this is one of our shortest water rocket videos!
Older obsolete movies, but still pretty funny and/or interesting!
Funny Rocket Movies:
Pop Bottle Rocket World Record: